Information for each Doctoral cycle-term about the yearly examinations for the admission to the second and third year of Doctoral studies and to the final defence of the thesis.
02 November 2020
Start of the three-year Doctoral Course
Please register yourself to the Doctoral Program at DEIB Department.
31 December 2020
Tutor and Advisor
Formalize choice of advisor and tutor: send an e-mail to Any Professor at DEIB can be your advisor while tutor has to be a member of the PhD Board of your Area
31 December 2020
Study plan
The study plan has to be compiled from Poliself by selecting among the courses available from the application, and approved by the Tutor. Any change in the study plan should be approved by the Tutor.
In the following academic years, any addition from new lists of courses has to be approved by 31 December.
30 April 2021
Research topics
Update the page with thesis title and abstract in Online services. It is mandatory to insert information in this sections, you can change them later.
30 April 2021
Picture on the DEIB Website
Send your picture to . You have to enclose the Disclaimer giving permission. You have to sign it in original and leave it in the mailbox COMUNICAZIONE in the ground floor of Bldg. 20 of DEIB, or send it through internal mail to: Ufficio Comunicazione – Ed. 20 DEIB.
07 September 2021
Admission to the Second Year: filling in the documents
Candidates and advisors should send the respective documents for yearly evaluation, the process has to be completed through system.
Students will receive an email from the system including instructions to access an .rtf form to be filled, saved in .pdf and delivered to the system by September 7th. Advisors and tutors will have to approve the delivered forms and include comments in the associated note field before the meeting of the respective evaluation committee.
07 September 2022
Admission to the Third Year: filling in the documents
Candidates and advisors should send the respective documents for yearly evaluation, the process has to be completed through system.
Students will receive an email from the system including instructions to access an .rtf form to be filled, saved in .pdf and delivered to the system by September 7th. Advisors and tutors will have to approve the delivered forms and include comments in the associated note field before the meeting of the respective evaluation committee.
07 September 2023
Proposal for the external reviewers
The supervisor has to send to the Doctoral programme office () his proposal for the external reviewers, namely “two highly qualified teachers, also belonging to foreign institutions, external to individuals who have contributed to the release of the doctoral title”.
For obtaining the European Ph.D. title both reviewers have to be in the teaching staff of Universities of Countries members of the Bologna Process.
07 September 2023
Evaluation of the activities of the third year
Candidates and advisors should send the respective documents for final year evaluation, the process has to be completed through system.
Students will receive an email from the system including instructions to access an .rtf form to be filled, saved in .pdf and delivered to the system by September 7th. Advisors and tutors will have to approve the delivered forms and include comments in the associated note field before the meeting of the respective evaluation committee.
The following steps are described here
In particular, a local Committee will evaluate your career using documents submitted as above, there will be no presentation. If the Committee positively evaluate your career, the Board will appoint two external reviewers. The PhD candidates will have then to send a copy of the thesis to the two reviewers checking that they will provide to the secretariat the review no later than 30 days from their appointment.
15 October 2023
Sending of the thesis
The PhD candidates have to send a copy of the thesis to the two reviewers checking that they will provide to the secretariat the review no later than 30 days from their appointment. The date could be postponed by a couple of days, depending on when the PhD Board meets to approve the yearly evaluations. After the approval, the secretariat will send an email to external reviewers to officially appoint them, copying candidates and supervisors on it. Then the candidates will have to send the thesis.
The thesis must be submitted to the antiplagiarism software before it is sent to the external reviewers. General rules on thesis writing and instructions about using the Turnitin software are given in the following page: